Brocade Adapters Administrator’s Guide 89
Configure Names dialog box (HBA and CNA) A
Configure Names dialog box (HBA and CNA)The Configure Names dialog box enables you to add a world wide name and an associated name
for an adapter, port, or storage device that is not yet discovered. You can also remove a device from
the Name display list and import from or export properties to a file.
Opening the dialog box
1. Select any device from the device tree.
2. Select Configure > Names from the Host Connectivity Manager.
Fields and components
Using the dialog box
Refer to the following topics for specific procedures using this dialog box:
•“Name configuration”
•“Adding name entries”
•“Removing a name entry”
•“Exporting the properties for a WWN”
•“Importing the properties for a WWN”
Field Description
Display Select a discovered host from the list. Current Host is the default.
Name The name for all configured devices.
NOTE: You can also search for a name by typing the name into
the text box and clicking OK.
WWN/MAC The world wide name for all configured devices.
NOTE: You can also search for a name by typing the world wide
name into the text box and clicking OK.
Type The type of device; for example, Node or Port.
Description Displays a description of the device.
Remove Select a device to highlight it, then click the Remove button to
remove the discovered device from the list.
Import Click to import properties from a properties file for a selected device.
Export Click to save properties to a properties file for a selected device.
Add button For undisc overed device s, typ e in the name o f the p ort’s name o r the
WWN and click the Add button to add it to the Display list.
EFCM/DCFM/FM format Select from the list to import properties in EFCM, DCFM (Data Center
Fabric Manager) , or FM (Fabric Manager) format.