Brocade Adapters Administrator’s Guide 179
Enables or disables the IO Controller (IOC), which refers to the combination of port and the
firmware controlling it.
The Interrupt Control Coalesce feature is not supported on the converged network adapter (CNA).
Synopsis bcu ioc --stats <port_id>
bcu ioc --statsclr <port_id>
bcu ioc --enable <port_id>
bcu ioc --disable <port_id>
bcu ioc --query <ioc_id>
bcu ioc --intr <ioc_id> <-coalesce | -c> {on|off} [<Latency> <Delay>]
Description The IOC commands allow you to enable or disable the IOC, display the IOC statistics, or clear the
Disabling the IOC is a destructive operation.
Operands --stats Displays the IOC level statistics on the specified port.
port_id Specifies the ID of the port for which you want to display information.
--statsclr Clears the IOC level statistics on the specified port.
port_id Specifies the ID of the port for which you want to clear statistical information.
--enable Enables the IO Controller (IOC). If the IOC is already enabled, the command is
port_id Specifies the port of the IO Controller (IOC) you want to enable.
--disable Caution: Disabling the IOC is a destructive operation. Disables the port of the
IO Controller (IOC). If the IOC is already disabled, the command is ignored.
port_id Specifies the ID of the port you want to disable.
--query Queries the attributes of the IOC with the IOC ID.
ioc_id Specifies the port of the IO Controller (IOC) you want to enable.
--intr Sets the interrupt attributes for the port.
ioc_id Specifies the ID of the port on which you want to set interrupt attributes.
-c coalesce Sets the coalesce flag. Possible values are on or off.
latency Sets the latency monitor timeout value. Latency can be between 0 to 225
microseconds. A latency value of 0 disables latency monitor timeout