Brocade Adapters Administrator’s Guide 141
VLAN configuration - Add a VLAN dialog box (CNA only) A
VLAN configuration - Add a VLAN dialog box (CNA only)
The Add VLAN dialog box allows you to create a VLAN. You can create a VLAN by selecting an
Ethernet port.
Opening the dialog box
1. Select an Ethernet port from the device tree.
2. Select Configure > VLAN Configuration from the main menu.
Right-click the host and select VLAN Configuration from the list.
Fields and components
Using the dialog box
Refer to the following topics for specific procedures using this dialog box:
“VLAN configuration”
“Adding a VLAN”
“VLAN configuration conflicts”
“Editing a VLAN”
“Removing a VLAN”
Field Description
Port MAC The media access control address of the Ethernet port.
VLAN ID text box The VLAN identifier.
VLAN Name text box The VLAN name.
Create Passthru checkbox Check to create a pass-through VLAN.