72 Brocade Adapters Administrator’s Guide
supportSaveThe supportSave command collects debug information needed from the driver.
The captured debug information can be saved to the local filesystem and then sent to the supplier
for further investigation. The information that is captured is detailed in Table 19 .
The default location to where supportSave output is saved is under the IP address of the host from
which it was collected, relative to the HCM installation directory. For example:
•HCM Installation DIR\data\\supportSave
•C:\Program Files\BROCADE\FCHBA\client\data\\supportSave
supportSave collection sources
Table 2 0 lists the sources from which you can gather supportSave information.
TABLE 19 supportSave categories
supportSave level Captured information
System (or Host) HCM GUI-related engineering logs
Configuration files
Operating-specific information
Environment information
Data.xml file
Vital CPU, memory, network resources
HCM Agent (logs, configuration)
Driver logs (bfa_supportSave output)
Install logs
Core files
TABLE 20 supportSave collection sources
Source of supportSave information supportSave information collected
BFA based supportSave1Driver-related logs and config files
Browser-based supportSave Driver-related logs and config files
Agent log/config files
HCM-based supportsave Agent log and config files
HCM GUI log and config files
1 bcu debug does not support the bcu debug --supportsave command.
bfa_supportsave, however, supports the following options:
to create and save the su pportsave at /tm p
to create and save the su pportsave unde r <dir>
•bfa_supportsave <dir> <ss_file_name>
to create and save the supportsave under <dir> as the file name <ss_file_name>. If
<ss_file_name> already exists, it will be overwritten.