92 Brocade Adapters Administrator’s Guide
Eth IOC Statistics dialog box (CNA only)
Eth IOC Statistics dialog box (CNA only)The Eth IOC Statistics dialog box enables you to display statistical information related to the
Ethernet IOC.
Opening the dialog box
1. Select an Ethernet port from the device tree.
2. Select Monitor > Statistics > Eth IOC Statistics from the main menu.
Right-click the Ethernet port and select Statistics > Eth IOC Statistics from the list.
The Eth IOC Statistics dialog at the host level displays.
Fields and components
Using the dialog box
Refer to the following topics for specific procedures using this dialog box:
•“Adding a VLAN”
•“Editing a VLAN”
•“Removing a VLAN”
Field Description
Keep Running Data checkbox Click to continue running statistical data. This is useful if you want to
see a trend.
Polling Frequency in Seconds text box Type a number for polling frequency. The range is between five and
3600 seconds and the default is five seconds.
Start Polling button Click to manually poll the Ethernet IOC statistics.
Reset button Click to reset all of the statistics to 0.
Date The date the Eth IOC statistics were run.
Mailbox Interrupts The number of mailbox interrupts that occurred on the Ethernet IOC.
Enable Events The number of Enable events on the Ethernet IOC.
Disable Events The number of Disable events on the Ethernet IOC.
Heartbeat Failures The number of hear tbeat failures on the Ethernet IOC.
Firmware Boots The number of firmware boots on the Ethernet IOC.
Stats Timeouts The number of times the Eth IOC statistics timed out.