174 Brocade Adapters Administrator’s Guide
Prints and resets Fabric statistics.
Synopsis bcu fabric --stats <port_id>
bcu fabric --statsclr <port_id>
Description Displays or clears Fabric statistics.
Operands --stats Prints the fabric statistics.
port_id Specifies the ID of the fabric port for which you will print the statistics.
--statsclr Resets the fabric statistics.
port_id Specifies the ID of the fabric port for which you will reset the statistics.
Example bcu fabric --stats 1/0
Fabric Stats:
FLOGI sent: 114
FLOGI rsp errors: 0
FLOGI accept errors: 0
FLOGI accepts: 58
FLOGI rejects: 0
FLOGI unknown rsp: 0
FLOGI alloc wait: 0
FLOGI received: 0
FLOGI rejected: 0
fabric offlines: 57
fabric onlines: 58
See Also None