114 Brocade Adapters Administrator’s Guide
Logical Port Statistics dialog box (HBA and CNA)
Using the dialog box
Refer to the following topics for specific procedures using this dialog box:
•“Port Statistics dialog box (HBA and CNA)”
•“Polling frequency rate”
•“Resetting statistics”
•“Performance monitoring”
ns_gid_ft_sent The number of times a Name Server Get all Port ID request for a
given FC4 type is sent.
ns_gid_ft_accepts The number of times a Name Server Get all Port ID request for a
given FC4 type is accepted.
ns_gid_ft_rsp_errors The number of response errors associated with a Name Server Get
all Port ID request for a given FC4 type.
ns_gid_ft_rejects The number of times a Name Server Get all Port ID request for a
given FC4 type is rejected.
ns_gid_ft_unknown_rsp The number of unknown responses associated with a Name Server
Get all Port ID request for a given FC4 type.
ns_gid_ft_alloc_wait The number of delayed Name Server Get all Port ID requests for a
given FC4 type allocations.
ns_rejects The number of times a Name Server request is rejected.
ns_timeouts The number of Name Server timeouts.
ns_retries The number of Name Server retries.
num_port_ID_rscns The number of Fibre Channel’s Registered State Change
Notifications by port ID.
Field Description