74 Brocade Adapters Administrator’s Guide
supportSave collection using a browser
You can use an Internet browser (Internet Explorer 6 or higher or Firefox 2.0 or higher) to collect
and transfer supportSave information for the driver and the HCM agent.
Use a browser if you do not have root access, if you do not have access to file transfer methods
such as FTP and SCP, or you do not have access to the Host Configuration Manager (HCM).
1. Open an Internet browser and type the following URL:
where localhost is the IP address of the server from which you want to collect the supportSave
2. Type the agent’s credentials using the factory default settings, admin and password.
The File Download dialog box displays, prompting you to save the
supportSaveController.do file.
3. Click Save and navigate to the location where you want to save the supportSave file.