Brocade Adapters Administrator’s Guide 123

Port Statistics dialog box (HBA and CNA) A

Port Statistics dialog box (HBA and CNA)

The Port Statistics dialog box enables you to monitor the performance of the CNA and the traffic

between the CNA and the LUNs. You can use the information to isolate and troubleshoot areas that

affect application performance.

Opening the dialog box

Select Monitor > Statistics > Port Statistics from the Host Connectivity Manager.

Fields and components
Field Description
Date The date and time of the most recent reset.
Port WWN The world wide name of the port about which statistics are
TX Frames The number of total transmitted Fibre Channel frames across all
protocols and classes.
RX Frames The number of total received Fibre Channel frames across all
protocols and classes.
TX Words The number of total transmitted Fibre Channel words across all
protocols and classes.
RX Words The number of total received Fibre Channel words across all
protocols and classes.
LIP Count The number of loop initialization (LIP) events.
NOS Count The number of not operational (link has failed) events.
Error Frames The number of frames that have been received in error.
Dropped Frames The number of frames that were lost due to a lack of host buffers
Link Failure Count The number of times a link error has occurred.
Loss Of Sync Count The number of times loss of sync has occurred.
Loss Of Signal Count The number of times loss of signal has occurred.
Primitive Seq Protocol Err Count The number of primitive sequence protocol errors.
Undersized Frame The number of undersized frame errors.
Bad EOF Frame The number of end of frame (EOF) errors.
Oversized Frame The number of oversized frame errors.
Invalid CRC The number of frames received with invalid CRC.