66 Brocade Adapters Administrator’s Guide
Displaying test log details
4. Click the check box that corresponds to the protocol test you are running.
5. Select a port, target, and logical port from the lists, and click Add to add it to the test table.
6. Define how many times the test runs by specifying the test cycle number. The default test cycle
number is 1.
7. C l i c k Start to run the test.
Displaying test log details
1. Select Configure > Diagnostics from the Host Connectivity Manager.
2. Run any diagnostic test.
3. Select and double-click a row of the test results in the bottom pane.
The Test L og details, listed in Tab le 16, displays. See Figure 27 and Figure 28 for examples of
test log detail.
TABLE 16 Test log details
Field Description
Time The date and time the test was run.
Test The name of the test.
Status The status of the test, for example, executing or pending.
Configuration The name of the test component and its corresponding value. For
Adapter world wide name
Data pattern
Frame count
Port world wide name
Result The test result, for example, test started or test complete.