Brocade Adapters Administrator’s Guide 169
ethdiag B
ethdiagThe Ethernet Port Loopback Test that tests the Ethernet data path from the host to Serdes or
external loopback based on your selection.
Synopsis bcu ethdiag --loopback <port_id> [-t <loopback_type] [-c <frame_count>] [-p pattern]
Description Runs the Ethernet diagnostic loopback test and indicates when the adapter is running at a normal
operation state.
Operands --loopback Runs the port loopback test. You must disable the Ethernet port prior to
executing the loopbac k test.
port_id Specifies the ID of the port on which you want to run a loopback test.
-t loopback-type Specifies the loopback type. Possible values are int, serdes, and ext.
-c frame count Specifies the frame count.
-p pattern Specifies the pattern (must be one hex word).
See Also None