Brocade Adapters Administrator’s Guide 149
BCU commands B--disable <port_id>
--stats <port_id>
--statsclr <port_id>
--query <port_id>
--topology <port_id> {auto | p2p|loop}
--speed <port_id> <speed>
--dfsize <port_id> [dfsize]
Remote port (rport) commands
bcu rport --list <port_id> [-l <lpwwn>]
--query <port_id> <rpwwn> [-l <lpwwn>]
--stats <port_id> <rpwwn> [-l <lpwwn>]
--statsclr <port_id> <rpwwn> [-l <lpwwn>]
--osname <port_id> [-l <lpwwn>]
Target persistent binding commands
Note: Target persistent binding is available in Windows operating systems only. It is not supported in other
operating systems.
bcu pbind --list <port_id> [<pwwn>]
--clear <port_id>
QoS commands
Note: QoS commands apply to the 8 Gbps HBA only.
bcu qos --enable <port_id>
--disable <port_id>
--query <port_id>
--stats <port_id>
--statsclr <port_id>
Target rate limiting commands
Note: Target rate limiting commands apply to the 8 Gbps HBA only.
bcu ratelim --enable <port_id>
--disable <port_id>
--query <port_id>
--defspeed <port_id> [<1|2|4>]
Ethernet VLAN (Windows only) commands
bcu vlan --add <port-id> <vlan-id> [<vlan-name>]
--remove <port-id> <vlan-id>
--edit <port_id> <vlan_id> <new_vlan_name>
--list <port_id>
--query <port-id> <vlan-id>