Brocade Adapters Administrator’s Guide 175
fcdiag B
fcdiagRuns diagnostic tests on Fibre Channel components.
Synopsis bcu fcdiag --fcping <port_id> <rpwwn> [-l <lpwwn>]
bcu fcdiag --fctraceroute <port_id> <rpwwn> [-l <lpwwn>]
bcu fcdiag --fcecho <port_id> <rpwwn> [-l <lpwwn>]
bcu fcdiag --linkbeacon <port_id> {on|off}
bcu fcdiag --scsitest <port_id> <rpwwn> [-l <lpwwn>]
Description Fibre Channel diagnostic tests evaluate the integrity of Fibre Channel components.
Operands --fcping Determines the basic connectivity between two Fibre Channel network points
and monitors and measures network latency.
port_id Specifies the ID of the port to which you want to issue a ping command.
rpwwn Specifies the remote port world wide name to which you want to issue a ping
lpwwn Specifies the logical port world wide name. This is an optional argument. The
base port is specified as 0; otherwise, the port is a virtual por t.
--fctraceroute Reports on a SAN path, including node hops and latency data.
port_id Specifies the ID of the port on which you want to run the fctraceroute
rpwwn Specifies the remote port world wide name.
lpwwn Specifies the logical port world wide name. This is an optional argument. The
base port is specified as 0; otherwise, the port is a virtual por t.
--fcecho Sends an FC Echo Extended Link Services (ELS) request to a remote port.
port_id Specifies the ID of the port from which you want to run the fcecho command.
rpwwn Specifies the remote port world wide name on which you want to run the
fcecho diagnostic test.
lpwwn Specifies the logical port world wide name. This is an optional argument. The
base port is specified as 0; otherwise, the port is a virtual por t.
--linkbeacon Blinks (toggles) the link beacon.
port_id Specifies the ID of the port for which you want to run the linkbeacon
on | off Specifies if the linkbeacon test is on or off.
--scsitest Tests the SCSI components.
port_id Specifies the ID of the port for which you want to run the scsitest command.
rpwwn Specifies the remote port world wide name.
lpwwn Specifies the logical port world wide name. This is an optional argument. The
base port is specified as 0; otherwise, the port is a virtual por t.