Brocade Adapters Administrator’s Guide 101

FCP IM Statistics dialog box (HBA and CNA) A

FCP IM Statistics dialog box (HBA and CNA)

The FCP IM Statistics dialog box enables you to display Fibre Channel Protocol Input Method (FCP

IM) statistical information for initiators and targets.

Opening the dialog box

Select Monitor > Statistics > Remote Port Statistics > FCP IM Statistics from the Host Connectivity



Right-click a remote port from the device tree and select FCP IM Statistics.

Fields and components
Field Description
Date The date and time of the most recent reset.
RPort Onlines The number of online R_Ports.
RPort Offlines The number of offline R_Ports.
PRLI Sent The number of process login (PRLI) requests sent.
Fcxp Alloc Waits The number of FCXP allocation waits.
PRLI Rsp Errors The number of process login (PRLI) response errors.
PRLI Rsp Accepts The number of process login (PRLI) response accepts.
Num Times in Initiator Mode The number of times the RPort has been in initiator mode.
HAL Online Events The number of hardware abstraction layer (HAL) online events.
HAL Offline Events The number of hardware abstraction layer (HAL) offline events.
HAL Create Events The number of hardware abstraction layer (HAL) create events.
HAL Delete Events The number of hardware abstraction layer (HAL) delete events.
HAL Create Completions The number of hardware abstraction layer (HAL) create completions.
HAL Delete Completions The number of hardware abstraction layer (HAL) delete completions.
HAL SLER Events The number of hardware abstraction layer (HAL) sequence layer
error recovery (SLER) events.
HAL IOC Down Events The number of hardware abstraction layer (HAL) IOC Down events.
HAL IO Cleanup Completions The number of hardware abstraction layer (HAL) I/O cleanup
HAL Task Management Commands The number of hardware abstraction layer (HAL) task management
HAL TM FirmwareResponses The number of hardware abstraction layer (HAL) task management
firmware responses.
HAL TM Successes The number of hardware abstraction layer (HAL) task management
HAL TM Failures The number of hardware abstraction layer (HAL) task management