Dialing and storing numbers

Hold down Shift as you press Search/Speed Dial, 003, 7001 (on the dial pad), and Start.

This would dial ‘555-7001’. You can also add a pause by pressing Redial/Pause.


Press Redial/Pause to insert a 3.5-second pause between numbers. You can press Redial/Pause as many times as needed to increase the length of the pause.

Tone or Pulse (Canada only)

If you have a Pulse dialing service, but need to send Tone signals (for example, for telephone banking), follow the instructions below. If you have Touch Tone service, you will not need this feature to send tone signals.

a Press Hook.


b Press # on the machine’s control panel. Any digits dialed after this will send tone signals.

When you hang up, the machine will return to the Pulse dialing service.