Fine (Resolution) | |
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) | i |
Gray Scale | |
Groups (for Broadcasting) |
H |
Handset Volume | |
Help | |
Hold | |
I |
Inserting Spaces | |
International Calls | |
Interrupting | |
J |
Jams | |
L |
LCD (Liquid Crystal Display) | |
Loading Paper | |
M |
Maintenance (Routine) | |
Manual Dialing | |
MANUAL Mode | |
Manual Transmission | |
Memory Storage | |
Memory Transmission | |
Menu and Programming Mode | |
Menu Table | |
O |
One Touch Dial (Changing) | |
One Touch Dial (Storing) | |
One Touch Dialing |
Outgoing Message (External TAD) .... | |
Overseas Mode |
Packing List (carton contents) | |
Paging | |
Paper Size | |
Pause | |
PBX | |
Photo (Resolution) | |
Polled Transmit | |
Polling (Receive) | |
Power Consumption | |
Print (a Fax in Memory) | |
Print (Caller ID Log) | |
Print Head (Cleaning) | |
Pulse (For Canada Only) |
Q |
R |
Receive Mode | |
Redial (Automatic) | |
Redial (Manual) | |
Reduction (Printing) | |
Reduction (Recommended Ratios) | |
Remote Codes (Changing) | |
Reports | |
Reports types of | |
Resolution | |
Ring Delay | |
Ring Volume | |
RingMaster | |
Roll Over Phone Lines | |
S |
Safety Instructions |
I N D E X | I - 2 |