License Notice
UFST: Copyright © 1989 - 2003 Monotype Imaging, Inc.
MEAP and the MEAP logo are trademarks of Canon Inc.
Apple, Macintosh, and Truetype are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Microsoft, Windows, Windows logo, Windows Vista and Windows Vista logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries.
Concerning typeface credit, the actual names on a FONT LIST for this machine may differ from those listed below.
CG, Intellifont, and UFST are trademarks of Agfa Monotype Corporation or its affiliated companies and may be registered in some jurisdictions.
Marigold and Oxford are trademarks of AlphaOmega Typography, Inc.
Apple, Apple Chancery, Chicago, Geneva, Hoefler Text, Monaco, and New York are trademarks of Apple Inc.
ITC AvantGarde Gothic, ITC Bookman, ITC Lubalin Graph, ITC Mona Lisa, ITC Symbol, ITC Zapf Chancery, and ITC Zapf Dingbats are registered trademarks of International Typeface Corporation.
Clarendon, Helvetica, New Century Schoolbook, Optima, Palatino, Stempel Garamond, and Times are trademarks of
Coronet is a registered trademark of Ludlow Type Foundry.
Wingdings is a trademark of Microsoft Corporation.
Albertus, Arial, Book Antiqua, Bookman Oldstyle, Century Gothic, GillSans, Joanna, and Times New Roman are trademarks of the Monotype Corporation plc., and may be registered in some jurisdictions.
CG Omega is a product of Agfa Corporation and CG Times, based on Times New Roman under license from the Monotype Corporation plc, is a product of Agfa Corporation.
Eurostile is a trademark of Nebiolo.