[RGB Source | This setting allows you to specify the RGB profile (color data |
Profile] | represented using the RGB (Red Green Blue) color model) that |
| is appropriate for the characteristics of your monitor. This |
| setting is applied when printing a document containing color |
| images or graphics made by the RGB color model. |
| [sRGB] |
| This setting specifies the industry standard definition for |
| generic Windows (PC) monitors. If you are using an sRGB |
| compatible monitor, you can print out colors close to how they |
| appear on your monitor. |
| [Gamma 1.5, Gamma 1.8, and Gamma 2.4] |
| These settings enable you to select the gamma correct level of |
| the RGB data. The higher the value, the darker the printout. |
| [None] |
| When this setting is selected, device dependent RGB data is |
| converted into CMYK without applying the RGB profile. |
| [Download Profile] |
| This setting specifies the profiles you have downloaded from |
| the host computer to this machine using NetSpot Resource |
| Downloader. You can store up to 100 profiles. |
[CMYK | This setting allows you to specify the simulation target to print |
Simulation | the CMYK (Cyan Magenta Yellow blacK) data. The machine |
Profile] | converts CMYK data into a device dependent CMYK color |
| model based on the simulation target selected in the CMYK |
| Simulation Profile. |
| [JapanColor(Canon)] |
| This setting uses the JapanColor profile. This is for obtaining a |
| printout closely matching the printing standard in Japan. |
| [US Web Coated(Canon)] |
| This setting uses the U.S. Web Coated profile. This is for |
| obtaining a printout closely matching the printing standard in |
| the USA. |
| [Euro Standard] |
| This setting uses the Euro Standard profile. This is for obtaining |
| a printout closely matching the printing standard in Europe. |
| [None] |
| When this setting is selected, device dependent CMYK data is |
| printed as is without applying the CMYK profile. |
| [Download Profile] |
| This setting uses custom simulation target that you have |
| downloaded from the host computer to this machine using |
| NetSpot Resource Downloader. You can store up to 100 |
| profiles. |
How to Use the Direct Print Function
Printing Directly from the Remote UI |