FS2620R Rack Model User’s Guide
7If the Loop ID screen displays, select the option or number you want to use and press Enter.
| To | Do this |
| Let the FC loop initialization process | ✁ Select SOFT and press Enter. |
| determine the Loop ID for the channel each | This is the default setting |
| time the router powers up |
| Keep the same Loop ID for the channel at all | ✁ Select the [Loop ID] you want to use |
| times | and press Enter. |
| This can be any number from 0 to |
| 125. |
Note: See Appendix A, Address and Device Mapping for more details on how the value selected for the Loop ID will correspond to the AL_PA.
The Router LUN screen displays. The text inside the parenthesis ( ) shows the current Router LUN.
8Select the option or number you want to use and press Enter.
To | Do this |
Let the router determine the router LUN | ✁ Select SOFT and press Enter. |
each time the it powers up | This is the default setting. |
Keep the same LUN for the router at all | ✁ Select the [LUN] you want to use and |
times | press Enter. |
| This can be any number from 00 to |
| 63. |
Not assign the router an FC LUN | ✁ Select NONE and press Enter. |