FS2620R Rack Model User’s Guide
5Press Enter to reboot.
6While the router reboots, hold down the space bar on your keyboard. The Flash Utility screen displays.
7Press the number on your keyboard that corresponds to the protocol you want to use to transfer the firmware upgrade file from your computer to the router.
We recommend using the KERMIT protocol. The system shows that it is ready to use KERMIT.
8Using your terminal emulator software, send the .fla file using KERMIT.
If you are using HyperTerminal, select Transfer Send File, navigate to where the firmware update file is located, select it, and click Open. Select the same Protocol from the
The file transfers. The system displays messages showing that it is flashing the code and rebooting the router.
! | Caution: Do not interrupt the power when transferring the new firmware. |
Upgrading LAN Firmware
You can also update the firmware for the Ethernet card inside the router. The firmware is contained in a .bin file.
To upgrade the Ethernet card’s firmware:
1Call Chaparral technical support for information about downloading the firmware updates.
See Chaparral Technical Support on page
2From the computer connected to the router, access the DOS window.
3At the DOS prompt change to the directory where you downloaded the .bin file.
FTP [router’s IP address]