C H A P T E R 4
Installing the Internet Streamer CDS Software and Initially Configuring a CDE
This chapter describes the initial installation of the Cisco Internet Streamer CDS Release
•Before You Begin, page
•Running the BIOS Setup Utility, page
•Installing the Software, page
•Initially Configuring a CDE, page
•Verifying the CDSM, page
Before You Begin
You need the following to perform the initial installation and configuration of the CDS:
•CDE100 or CDE200
•Internal IDE compact flash drive
•Terminal server connection with the following parameters:
–9600 baud
–8 bits
–No parity
–Redirection After BIOS POST is off in CDE BIOS setup
–Console redirection enabled for COM1
•CDS image CD
•Network connection
Note On the CDE200, use the USB port to connect the USB
Cisco Content Delivery Engine 100/200/300/400 Hardware Installation Guide
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