Appendix C Configuring the Switch with the CLI Setup Program
Entering the Initial Configuration Information
| Step 3 | Enter an enable secret password, and press Return. | |
| The password can be from 1 to 25 alphanumeric characters, can start with a number, is case sensitive, | |
| allows spaces, but ignores leading spaces. The secret password is encrypted, and the enable password is | |
| in plain text. | |
| Enter enable secret: secret_password | |
| Step 4 | Enter an enable password, and press Return. | |
| Enter enable password: enable_password | |
| Step 5 | Enter a virtual terminal (Telnet) password, and press Return. | |
| The password can be from 1 to 25 alphanumeric characters, is case sensitive, allows spaces, but ignores | |
| leading spaces. | |
| Enter virtual terminal password: | |
| Step 6 | (Optional) Configure Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) by responding to the prompts. | |
| You can also configure SNMP later through the CLI. To configure SNMP later, enter no. | |
| Configure SNMP Network Management? [no]: no | |
| Step 7 | Enter the interface name (physical interface or VLAN name) of the interface that connects to the | |
| management network, and press Return. For this release, always use vlan1 as that interface. | |
| Enter interface name used to connect to the | |
| management network from the above interface summary: vlan1 | |
| Step 8 | Configure the interface by entering the switch IP address and subnet mask and pressing Return. The IP | |
| address and subnet masks shown below are examples. | |
| Configuring interface vlan1: | |
| Configure IP on this interface? [yes]: yes | |
| IP address for this interface: | |
| Subnet mask for this interface []: | |
| Step 9 | Enter Y to configure the switch as the cluster command switch. Enter N to configure it as a member | |
| switch or as a standalone switch. | |
| If you enter N, you can configure the switch as a command switch later through the CLI. To configure | |
| it later, enter no. | |
| Would you like to enable as a cluster command switch? [yes/no]: no | |
| You have completed the initial configuration of the switch, and the switch displays its configuration. | |
| This is an example of the configuration output: | |
| The following configuration command script was created: | |
| hostname switch1 | |
| enable secret 5 $1$Ulq8$DlA/OiaEbl90WcBPd9cOn1 | |
| enable password enable_password | |
| line vty 0 15 | |
| password | |
| no | |
| ! |
| no ip routing | |
| ! |
| interface Vlan1 | |
| no shutdown | |
| ip address | |
| ! |
| interface FastEthernet1/0/1 | |
| Catalyst | ||
| |||
| |