Chapter 3 Starting and Configuring
Configuring a Cisco 7401ASR Router
If the serial (WAN) cable is connected to the CSU/DSU and the router does not have a configuration stored in NVRAM, the router attempts to run AutoInstall at startup. The router may take several minutes to determine that AutoInstall is not set up to a remote TCP/IP host. Once the router determines that AutoInstall is not configured, it defaults to the setup facility.
Configuring Global Parameters
When you first start the setup program, you must configure the global parameters. These parameters are used for controlling
Step 1 Connect a console terminal to the console port, and then boot the router.
The system boots from Flash memory. The following information appears after about 30 seconds. When you see this information, you have successfully booted your router:
Restricted Rights Legend
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph
(c)of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights clause at FAR sec.
(c)(1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS sec.
cisco Systems, Inc.
170 West Tasman Drive
San Jose, California
Cisco Internetwork Operating System Software
IOS (tm) 7400 Software
Copyright (c)
Compiled Fri
cisco 7401ASR (NSE) processor (revision A) with 245760K/16384K bytes of memory. Processor board ID 4294967295
R7000 CPU at 375Mhz, Implementation 39, Rev 3.3, 256KB L2, 2000KB L3 Cache 1 slot ASR midplane, Version 2.0
Last reset from
Bridging software.
X.25 software, Version 3.0.0.
SuperLAT software (copyright 1990 by Meridian Technology Corp).
TN3270 Emulation software.
PXF processor tmc has been reset.
8 Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
2 Gigabit Ethernet/IEEE 802.3 interface(s)
509K bytes of
64256K bytes of ATA PCMCIA card at slot 0 (Sector size 512 bytes). 8192K bytes of Flash internal SIMM (Sector size 256K).
Press RETURN to get started!
The first two sections of the configuration script (the banner and the installed hardware) appear only at initial system startup. On subsequent uses of the setup facility, the script begins with a System Configuration Dialog as shown in the following example.
| Cisco 7401ASR Installation and Configuration Guide |