Chapter 3 Installing Components
Installing Components Using the CLI
The program prompts you to enter the home directory destination.
Step 4 To accept the default home directory destination, /opt/CSCObpr/, press Enter; or enter another directory. For example:
Home Directory Destination
Home Directory Destination [/opt/CSCObpr]
The program then asks you to confirm the directory.
Step 5 Press y and Enter to continue. The program prompts you to enter the data directory destination Step 6 To accept the default directory, /var/CSCObpr, press Enter; or enter another directory. For example:
Data Directory Destination
Data Directory Destination [/var/CSCObpr] /var/disk0/CSCObpr
Note By default, the installation program installs the data directory (BPR_DATA) on a different directory than the home directory (BPR_HOME). Cisco Systems recommends that the data directory be on a different physical disk than the home directory; for example /var/disk0/CSCObpr. However, you can install the data directory on the same disk as the home directory.
Step 7 Press y and Enter to continue. The program prompts you to enter the host IP address and the listening port of the RDU.
Step 8 Enter the IP address (or hostname) and listening port of the host where the RDU software is installed. The program prompts you to confirm this information. For example:
Regional Distribution Unit Host/Port
Enter the IP address and the listening port of the regional distribution unit (RDU) associated with this installation.
Enter the Host/IP address and address of the listening port for the RDU.
RDU IP Address
RDU Listening Port [49187]
========== Confirmation ==========
RDU Host: RDU Port:49187
Is this correct (y/n/q/?) [yes] y
Step 9 Press y and Enter to continue. The program prompts you to enter the name of the extension point provisioning group.
Step 10 Enter the name of the Network Registrar extension point group. For example:
Cisco Network Registrar Extension Point Provisioning Group
Enter the Cisco Network Registrar extension point provisioning group.
This a required field. The value you specify must contain only alphanumeric characters without spaces and not exceed 10 characters in length. You can use the BPR
Extension Point Provisioning Group [] group1
| Cisco Broadband Access Center for Cable Installation Guide 2.7 |