Chapter 2. Hardware Description
3.Rear Port Specification and Connection Examples
Sensors are outputting no voltage, however DVR unit requires 5 volt DC to get response for sensor.
Some Device outputting 12V DC should have Relay that provides dry contact to DVR.
Relay Switch
+5V DC
+5V DC |
| +5V DC |
| +5V DC |
| Sensor 1 | Sensor 2 | Sensor 3 |
+12V DC
Figure 18 Sensor input with 3 volt DC
Example 3. Alarm panel integration with Dry and Wet sensor.
Dry sensors (sensors with no voltage) and Wet sensors (sensors that put out voltage) are readily available to be used with our DVR unit.
Most of the alarm panel that exist today requires some type of Direct Current Voltage from sensors and it also has programmable
+5V DC
+5V DC
Relay Switch
+12V DC
Relay Switch
Alarm Panel
Programmable output from Alarm panel call PGM will provide ground output and it receives 12V DC from Alarm Panel
Sensor 1 port is used in DVR for Arm and Disarm Function.
So PGM1 of Alarm panel should be programmed for Arm and Dis- Arm
Sensor 2
+3V DC
Smoke Detector
Figure 19 Alarm Panel and Sensor Example
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