8-8Modem Sharing
Locate the Modem Initialization Strings
The modem log file should contain information similar to the following:
Line #
101-19-1998 16:45:03.526 - Compaq Microcom 510 56K Ext Fax Modem Serial in use.
201-19-1998 16:45:03.526 - Modem type: Compaq Microcom 510 56K Ext Fax Modem Serial
301-19-1998 16:45:03.526 - Modem inf path: cpq510.inf
401-19-1998 16:45:03.526 - Modem inf section: Modem1
501-19-1998 16:45:03.526 - 115200,N,8,1
601-19-1998 16:45:03.526 - 115200,N,8,1
701-19-1998 16:45:03.536 - Initializing modem.
801-19-1998 16:45:03.536 - Send: AT<cr>
901-19-1998 16:45:03.866 - Recv: AT<cr>
1001-19-1998 16:45:03.866 - Recv: 0<cr>
1101-19-1998 16:45:03.866 - Interpreted response: OK
1201-19-1998 16:45:03.866 - Send: AT &F<cr>
1301-19-1998 16:45:03.866 - Recv: AT &F<cr>
1401-19-1998 16:45:03.866 - Recv: <cr><lf>OK<cr><lf>
1501-19-1998 16:45:03.866 - Interpreted response: OK
1601-19-1998 16:45:03.866 - Send: AT E0 %U2 V0 &D2 &C1 S0=0<cr>
1701-19-1998 16:45:03.866 - Recv: AT E0 %U2 V0 &D2 &C1 S0=0<cr>
1801-19-1998 16:45:03.866 - Recv: 0<cr>
1901-19-1998 16:45:03.866 - Interpreted response: OK
2001-19-1998 16:45:03.866 - Send: ATS7=60\T0L1M1\N3%C3\Q3B0X4<cr>
2101-19-1998 16:45:03.876 - Recv: 0<cr>
2201-19-1998 16:45:03.876 - Interpreted response: OK
2301-19-1998 16:45:03.876 - Waiting for a call.
2401-19-1998 16:45:03.876 - Send: ATS0=0<cr>
Line 5 shows the baud rate, parity, data bits and stop bits. Lines 12, 16, and 20 show the operating system initialization strings.