Chapter 1
Compaq Integrated Remote Console (IRC) is an integrated hardware function that provides remote access and remote control to diagnose server failures interactively. IRC gives authorized users direct access to the managed server, independent of the operating system or other software, from locations a few feet away or from another continent.
Ability to control the server is not dependent upon any special software running on the server, nor is it restricted to when the managed server is in a particular state (like running BIOS). An administrator now has the ability to access the server, perform diagnostics, reset the system, watch the reset process remotely, and view Automatic Server Recovery sequences, regardless of whether the server operating system is online or offline.
IRC capability is built into your server. No
Integrated Remote Console
The primary capabilities of IRC let you:
■Access the server via modem from a distant location
■Access the server via
■Remotely control the managed server with complete remote console access, regardless of the state of the server operating system
■Perform a controlled reset of the server, regardless of the state of the server operating system
■Cycle the power, unconditionally resetting all features and internal peripherals, followed by automatic reconnection to Integrated Remote Console
■View a complete boot sequence including all ROM POST messages and operating system load information following an Automatic Server Recovery event
Compaq Integrated Remote Console User Guide