■If you are using Compaq Insight Manager as the terminal application and have either a Compaq SpeedPaq 33.6 or U.S. Robotics modem installed in the management console, change the “initialize” string under Insight Manager’s COM port setup from “AT&F&C1&D2E0S0=0” to “AT&F 1&C1&D2&B1E0S0=0”. This selects the
■If you have either a Compaq SpeedPaq 33.6 or U.S. Robotics modem in the managed server, make sure that &B1 is included in either the primary or secondary initialization string. If this type of modem is used in the management console, make sure that the initialization string used by your communications package includes &B1. See chapter 2 for information on correctly configuring the management console.
■Double check the primary and secondary modem initialization strings with the requirements specified in Chapter 2. Check Appendix A for the appropriation initialization strings for your modem.
■If you are using HyperTerminal to establish the connection, make sure that your IRC firmware is 1.41 or greater. Obtain the latest system ROM upgrade for your server to upgrade the Integrated Remote Console firmware.
■Try the connection again following a cold