Establishing a Connection Using an
ANSI Compatible Terminal Emulator
The ANSI terminal standard allows access to IRC from most standard terminal emulation applications.
Configuration Guidelines
The following are general guidelines for using ANSI terminal emulation programs to access Remote Console.
Display Settings
Display font — If the display font of your terminal application can be configured, choose a font that supports the OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) character set. The “terminal” font is usually a good choice. If your terminal application is configured for a
Terminal settings
Terminal Size — If the terminal size of your terminal application is configurable, set it to the maximum number of lines to be displayed on the server console. For Netware and Unix applications, 25 lines is the appropriate setting to ensure that all lines on the server console are visible on the remote terminal. Windows NT, however, switches to a
■Line Wrap — Make sure your terminal application is configured to wrap lines that exceed terminal width. This is the default in most terminal applications.
■Backspace key mapping — Some terminal applications allow the backspace key to either be mapped to Backspace (Ctrl+H) or Delete. Make sure that Backspace is mapped to Ctrl+H and not Delete.