Insight Manager launches a terminal window and dials the number configured above. The call progress is displayed in the terminal window’s status bar. If configured correctly, IRC on the managed server answers the call. If the server does not answer (possibly indicating that the OS currently owns the modem), wait 60 seconds and try again. For more troubleshooting information, see Appendix C.
Invoke Integrated Remote Console Login
When Insight Manager indicates that the connection is established (“Connected” is displayed in the terminal status window), press Enter three times. This tells the managed server that the incoming call is intended for Integrated Remote Console.
IMPORTANT: After connection has been established, you have 10 seconds to press the ENTER key three times to validate the call. Pressing any other key combination or pressing the correct key combination after the
After the login is successfully invoked, see the section “Login” later in this chapter.
Benefits of Using Insight Manager to
Establish the Connection
One of the benefits of accessing IRC through Insight Manager is enhanced keyboard support. Certain key sequences, like the function and Alt keys, are not available through strict ANSI emulation. These key sequences are necessary to perform certain remote server operations. (Pressing F10 to invoke system partition utilities, for example). If IRC detects Insight Manager is the control application, many of these key sequences are directly supported and do not require attention sequences. See chapter 4 for the enhanced key sequences available directly through Insight Manager.
Compaq Integrated Remote Console User Guide