2-8 Setup and Configuration
2.Set the Keyboard type to match the layout of the keyboard on the managed server. For proper remote keyboard operation, this setting must match the keyboard country configuration of the server’s operating system.
3.Set Communications Device according to your hardware configuration:
a.Internal Modem
b.External Modem or
c.Direct Connect if connecting with a null modem serial cable to another computer, terminal, or terminal server.
4.Configure the IRC modem resources. Set the COM port and interrupt setting to match the hardware jumper settings on the internal modem , or integrated serial port settings if connecting to an external device.
5.To use this modem only for the IRC feature, select Dedicated under Sharing Options.
To use a single modem for both IRC and Asynchronous System Management, or to allow the operating system to access the modem, accept the default setting of Shared.
NOTE: To use the “shared” modem setting, you must ensure that Integrated Remote Console is configured identically to the modem configuration settings of the operating system. See Chapter 8 and Appendix A for more information.
6.Configure the COM port settings. Set the baud rate to the highest reliable DTE rate for your modem. Most
tolerate DTE rates as high as 38,400, 57,600 or 115,200 bps. Consult the instructions supplied with the modem for the appropriate computer to modem serial port speed. This setting will be greater than or equal to the desired connection rate. The Data, Parity, and Stop settings should be set to