Cooper Bussmann Wireless Ethernet & Device Server
Cooper Bussmann Application Engineering
•Phone 8:00 a.m - 5:00 p.m. Central, M-F (636) 527-1270
•Fax: (636) 527-1607
•E-mail: FuseTech@cooperindustries.com
Thank you for your selection of the
Incorrect termination of supply wires may cause internal damage and will void warranty. To ensure your
Double check ALL connections with the user manual before turning the power on.
To comply with FCC RF Exposure requirements in section 1.1310 of the FCC Rules, antennas used with this device must be installed to provide a separation distance of at least 20cm from all persons to satisfy RF exposure compliance.
•Operate the transmitter when someone is within 20cm of the antenna
•Operate the transmitter unless all RF connectors are secure and any open connectors are properly terminated.
•Operate the equipment near electrical blasting caps or in an explosive atmosphere
All equipment must be properly grounded for safe operations. All equipment should be serviced only by a qualified technician.
FCC Notice:
This device complies with Part 15.247 of the FCC Rules.
Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
1)This device may not cause harmful interference and
2)This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This device must be operated as supplied by Cooper Bussmann. Any changes or modifications made to the device without the written consent of Cooper Bussmann may void the user’s authority to operate the device.
End user products that have this device embedded must be installed by experienced radio and antenna personnel, or supplied with
Notices: Safety
Exposure to RF energy is an important safety consideration. The FCC has adopted a safety standard for human exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic energy emitted by FCC regulated equipment as a result of its actions in Docket
FCC Notice:
•Part 15 – This device has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part15 of the FCC rules (Code of Federal Regulations 47CFR Part 15). Operation is subject to the condition that this device does not cause harmful interference.
•Notice any changes or modifications not expressly approved by Cooper Bussmann could void the user’s authority to operate this equipment.
This Device should only be connected to PCs that are covered by either FCC DoC or are FCC certified.
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