Multicast Pipe Manager

Enabled Enables or disables the Multicast Pipe manager.
Server Port Server port used by the Multicast Pipe Manager.Will need to be configured the same as the
Port on the Client, i.e.,Scada, DCS, etc..
Multicast Group IP Address Broadcast Address used when communicating to all other Multicast devices. This address will need
to be the same on all communicating Multicast devices.
Multicast Group Port Multicast Port used when communicating to all other Multicast devices.Will need to be the same
on all communicating Multicast devices.
3.16 Digital Input/Output
The functionality of the shared Digital Input/Output pin may be configured via the “I/O Transfer”webpage. As this pin is shared, the Digital
Input status will be ON when the Digital Output is set ON.
The Digital I/O channel can be transferred to/from another device using Modbus (see section “3.15 Modbus I/O Transfer”) or it can be
configured to provide status of the module communications. If the BU-945U-E disassociates from another unit (that is,there is no wireless
link), you can configure the digital output to turn ON (set) or OFF (drop).
Cooper Bussmann Wireless Ethernet & Device Server BU-945U-E 802.11 DSSS User Manual