Row Offset
Shifts the vertical start of the print position. This is the user setting for row adjustment.
•0 (0 to 99.99 Inch or 999.9 mm) The default is 0.
NOTE: The Label Formatting command [R] only temporarily overrides this setting; it reverts back to this setting after the current label format is finished.
Column Offset
Shifts the horizontal,
•0 (0 to 99.99 Inch or 999.9 mm) The default is 0.
NOTE: The Label Formatting command [C] only temporarily overrides this setting; it reverts back to this setting after the current label format is finished.
Format Attrib.
Affects the manner in which overlapping text and graphics are treated as the label is printed.
•XOR. Intersecting text strings, images, and barcodes print on top of one another.
•Transparent. Intersecting text strings, images, and bar codes will not be printed. (An odd number of overlapping objects will print.)
•Opaque. Intersecting text strings, images, and barcodes are obliterated by those formatted last. Each character cell is treated as opaque.
The default is XOR.
Error Handling
This setting defines how the emulation handles errors detected in the data stream. For all selections, data processing will not be aborted when errors are detected: labels will be printed as good as possible. Commands containing errors will be ignored.
•Off. No signal to the user when errors are detected.
•Report. The printer will beep when one or more errors are detected, and the first command that contains an error is shown on the printer’s LCD in mnemonic form.
•Beep. The printer will beep once if one or more errors are detected. The default is Off.