Chapter 2
STX V - Software Settings
Printer options are set by entering selections through the menu. The software setting command allows two of these option settings to be modified without returning to the menu. Choosing the appropriate values allow the option(s) to be turned ‘On’ or ‘Off’. Each has a corresponding bit whose value is 1 when enabled. Enabling the Cutter bit selects ‘Cut’ Media Handling, and the Present bit selects
The <STX>V command can be ignored by setting the DGL
STX v - Print Firmware Version Information
This command causes the printer to respond by sending a version string. The version may be different from printer to printer (this data is the same as that printed on the configuration label).
STX W - Request Memory Module Information
This command requests a directory listing for memory module(s). Although a module can store font, graphics and format data together, it can display only one type of information at a time. If the module contains all three types of data, it will be necessary to check the directory three times, using each of the control parameters, F, G, and L, to determine the contents.
STX X - Set Default Module
This command is used when downloading information to a module memory. It is designed to allow the user to select between modules. If ‘C’ is entered to select a memory bank, the data will go to the bank set by this command (Set Default Module). See Chapter 3, Flash/Ram Module Compatibility.
STX x - Delete File from Module
This command removes a specific file from the specified module. The file name is removed from the module directory and thus the file cannot be accessed. The actual storage space occupied by the file is not released (this only applies to the flash memory). The menu option ‘Optimize and Reboot’ can be used to reclaim all deleted file storage space.
STX y - Select Font Symbol Set
This command selects the scalable font symbol set. The selected symbol set remains active until another symbol set is selected. Not all symbol sets can be used with all fonts.
Label Formatting Command Functions
: - Set Cut By Amount
This command allows a predetermined number of labels to be printed before a cut is initiated. This feature is useful when it is necessary to print an uncut