f - Set Present Speed
(Not supported.)
M - Select Mirror Mode
This command instructs the printer to “mirror” all subsequent print field records. This command toggles the mirroring mode. Mirrored fields are transposed visually, as if the object is viewed in a Printed Result. (Not supported.)
p - Set Label Backup Speed
This command is used for the “Peel and Present” and “Cut Label Operations”. It allows the user to specify the rate at which the printer will reverse the label direction to align the next start of print position. The rate set by this command remains in effect until another backup speed command is received, see Appendix L for valid ranges. The speed is modified via the menu or when the printer is reset. (Not supported.)
W - Wait mode (Prodigy only)
(Obsolete System Command.)
Z - Zip Mode (Prodigy only)
(Obsolete System Command.)
Print Area
When looking at the front of the printer, the origin of the label is positioned at the bottom left of the label, and extends up and to the right. The label length for continuous labels can be set in the Menu and through the <STX>cnnnn command.
On Datamax printers, the print width is adjusted through the menu ‘LABEL WIDTH’. According to the manual, objects extending beyond the page width will not print. However, this does not seem to have any effect on the
See figure below for a graphical representation of the print area, and the coordinate system used by DGL.