Windows Vista®:
To start the Help and Support:
1Click Start and click Help and Support.
2Under Find an answer, click Troubleshooting.
3Select the option that best describes the problem and follow the troubleshooting steps.
NOTE: If you do not find the answer in the items categorized in Troubleshooting, you can get Online Help - type in your question in the Search Help.
Restoring Your Operating System
You can restore your operating system in the following ways:
•System Restore returns your computer to an earlier operating state without affecting data files. Use System Restore as the first solution for restoring your operating system and preserving data files.
•Dell PC Restore by Symantec (available in Windows XP) and Dell Factory Image Restore (available in Windows Vista) restore your hard drive to the operating state it was in when you purchased the computer. Both permanently delete all data on the hard drive and remove any programs installed after you received the computer. Use Dell PC Restore or Dell Factory Image Restore only if System Restore did not resolve your operating system problem.
•If you received an Operating System CD with your computer, you can use it to restore your operating system. Use the CD only if System Restore did not resolve your operating system problem.