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Your Dell system comes with software support utilities on diskette or on your com- puter’s hard-disk drive. These software support utilities include system utilities, system services, and Microsoft updated ATAPI drivers, all of which are documented in this chapter.

For information on the additional software support utilities you received with your sys- tem, refer to the following chapters or documents:

Video drivers — See the documentation from the graphic adapter manufacturer. (Video drivers support the video graphics requirements of a variety of monitors and application programs running under the Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 operating system.)

NOTE: Some graphic adapters support the Windows NT 4.0 operating system only. Refer to the documentation that came with your graphic adapter for more information.

Audio drivers — See Chapter 6, “Using the Integrated Audio Controller.”

Network interface drivers — See Chapter 5, “Using the Network Interface Controller.”

SCSI interface drivers — See Chapter 7, “Using the Integrated SCSI Controllers.”

System utilities and services can be used to safeguard your system and to explicitly control certain hardware features. Refer to “System Utilities and Services” found later in this chapter for information about these utilities.

Microsoft updated ATAPI drivers are provided with your Dell system for the Windows NT 4.0 operating system. Refer to “Microsoft Updated ATAPI Drivers” found later in this chapter for information about these drivers.


The system utilities, services, and Microsoft updated ATAPI drivers are already installed on your hard-disk drive in two different forms: as working utilities, operative immediately, and as diskette images.

Using the Software Support Utilities


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