If you set a serial port to Auto and add an expansion card containing a port configured to the same designation, the system automatically remaps the built-in port to the next available port designation that shares the same IRQ setting as follows:

COM1 (input/output [I/O] address 3F8h), which shares IRQ4 with COM3, is remapped to COM3 (I/O address 3E8h).

COM2 (I/O address 2F8h), which shares IRQ3 with COM4, is remapped to COM4 (I/O address 2E8h).

NOTE: When two COM ports share an IRQ setting, you can use either port as neces- sary, but you may not be able to use them both at the same time. If the second port (COM3 or COM4) is also in use, the built-in port is turned off.

For more information about built-in ports, port designations, IRQs, and the remapping 3DUDOOHO3RUWof ports, see Appendix B, “Hardware Configuration Features.”

Parallel Port configures the system’s built-in parallel port. This option can be set to 78h (the default), to alternate addresses 278h or 3BCh, or to Off to disable the port.

NOTE: Do not set Parallel Port to 278h if you have an Extended Capabilities Port (ECP) 3DUDOOHOdevice connected3RUW0RGHto the port.

Parallel Port Mode controls whether the system’s built-in parallel port acts as an AT- compatible (unidirectional) or PS/2-compatible (bidirectional) port.

Set this option according to the type of peripheral device connected to the parallel port. To determine the correct mode to use, see the documentation that came with

,'(the device'ULYH,QWHUIDFH.

IDE Drive Interface enables or disables the system’s built-in EIDE hard-disk drive interface.

With Auto (the default) selected, the system turns off the built-in EIDE interface when necessary to accommodate a controller card installed in an expansion slot.

As part of the boot routine, the system first checks for a primary hard-disk drive con- troller card installed in an expansion slot. If no card is found, the system enables the built-in EIDE interface to use IRQ14 and IRQ15.

If the system detects a primary controller on the expansion bus, it disables the built-in EIDE interface.

Selecting Off disables the built-in EIDE interface.

3-10Dell Precision 610 Mini Tower Systems User’s Guide

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Dell 610 manual DeviceULYH,QWHUIDFH