‡ If you are installing a SCSI host adapter card, configure the card and install it in an empty expansion slot (see “Installing an Expansion Card” in Chapter 9.)
If you attach any SCSI
$WWDFKLEDWKHconnector6&6,FDEOHon theWRHDFK6&6,system boardGHYLFH(seeFigure
For additional instructions on connecting SCSI devices, see “SCSI Cables” found earlier in this section.
If you are installing an internal SCSI device, firmly press the SCSI cable’s header connector onto the 50- or
The connectors on Narrow SCSI cables are keyed for proper
If you are installing an external SC I device, connect one end of the external SCSI
cable to the SCSI bus connector on the back of the device. Attach the other end of the external SCSI cable to the CSI connector on the system back panel.
NOTE: Dell offers an external SCSI
&RQQHFWWKHContact your Dell6&6,salesGHYLFHrepresentativeVWRSRZHUformore information.
‡If you are installing an internal SCSI device, connect a DC power cable to the power input connector on the SCSI device.
‡If you are installing an external SCSI device, connect the socket end of the power cable into the AC power receptacle on the back of the SCSI device. Connect the other end of the power cable into a standard electrical wall outlet.
Check all other cable connections. old all internal cables out of the way to pro-
For instructions, see “Removing and Replacing the Front Bezel” and “Removing and Replacing