The part of the computer that contains in- dicators and controls, such as the power switch, hard-disk drive access indicator,

FRQYHQWLRQDOPHPRU\and power indicator.

The first 640 KB of RAM. Conventional memory is found in all computers. Unless

they are specially designed, MS-DOS®programs are limited to running in conven- tionalFRSURFHVVRUmemory.

A chip that relieves the computer’s pro- cessor of specific processing tasks. A math coprocessor, for example, handles numeric processing. A graphics coproces- sor handles video rendering. The Intel® Pentium® processor, for example, includes FSLa built-in math coprocessor.

&38Abbreviation for characters per inch.

Abbreviation for central processing unit. FXUVRUSee also processor.

A marker, such as a block, underscore, or pointer that represents the position at which the next keyboard or mouse action 'will$7occur.

Acronym for digital audio tape.

G%Abbreviation$ for decibel(s).

Abbreviation& for adjusted decibel(s).

'HOOAbbreviation'LDJQRVWLFVfor direct current.

A comprehensive set of diagnostic tests for your Dell computer. To use the diag- nostics, you must boot your computer from the Dell Diagnostics Diskette. Refer to your Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

Guide for more information about using


A DMI browser that allows you to view your computer system’s current hard- ware configuration and operating system version. If your system includes Dell- installed software, you can select this program from the Dell Accessories pro-

GHYLFHgram folderGULYHU.

A program that allows the operating sys- tem or some other program to interface correctly with a peripheral device, such as a printer. Most device drivers are installed ',00when the operating system is installed.

Acronym for dual in-line memory mod- ule. A small circuit board containing DRAM chips that connects to the sys- tem1board.

',3Acronym for Deutsche Industrie Norm.

Acronym for dual in-line package. A circuit board, such as a system board or expan- sion card, may contain DIP switches for configuring the circuit board. DIP switch- es are always toggle switches, with an GLUHFWRU\ON position and an OFF position.

Directories help keep related files orga- nized on a disk in a hierarchical, “inverted tree” structure. Each disk has a “root” di- rectory; for example, a C:\> prompt normally indicates that you are at the root directory of hard-disk drive C. Additional directories that branch off of the root directory are called subdirectories. Sub- directories may contain additional GLVSOD\DGDSWHUdirectories branching off of them.

See video adapter.

4 Dell Precision 610 Mini Tower Systems User’s Guide

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Dell 610 manual Acronym for digital audio tape, Guide for more information about using