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￿￿ZLVH,I\RXIf the￿cardVNLSRZDQWis notWKHVWHSlisted,,&8￿￿WRseeVHOHFW“AddingWKHUHVRXUFHVIRUan Unlisted Card”WKHfoundFDUGnext￿FOLFN2in this.￿chapter2WKHU￿.

The ICU uses the default resources set by the card manufacturer whenever pos- sible. If the ICU cannot find a resource that is valid for the card and available in the system, the utility generates an error message. See Appendix C, “ISA Con- figuration Utility Messages,” for an explanation of the message and a possible solution to the conflict.

If you are satisfied with the default resources assigned to the card, you can skip

￿￿7RtheVHOHFWWKHUHVRXUFHVremainder of this procedure\RXUVHOI. ￿FOLFN$GYDQFHG￿

The Card Configuration dialog box (see Figure 4-3) displays all resources used by the card. Some cards have multiple functions, each having one or more resources associated with it. For example, a communications card can have fax, modem, and scanner functions, each of which may have one or more associated resources.


The Configuration Settings dialog box (see Figure 4-4) displays the name of the resource that you selected in the upper-left corner of the box. The resource values currently associated with the selected function are displayed in the Resources for Choice box. The resource values displayed are IRQ, DMA, Mem- ory (Hex), and I/O Port (Hex).

Using the ISA Configuration Utility


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