50-pin SCSI cable

(to device[s] in externally accessible drive bay)


68-pin SCSI cable

)LJXUH(to hard￿￿￿￿￿￿-disk drive)



￿￿ConfigureHDFK6&6,and installGHYZKKLFoneH￿FRQQHFWRUor more SCSIRQWKHdevicesLQWHUQDOin your6&6,computerFDEOH\RXas follows:ZLOODWWDFKWR


Configure the device for a SCSI ID number and disable termination, if necessary. For instructions, see the documentation that came with the SCSI device as well

￿￿,QVWDOOas “SCSIWKHConfiguration6&6,GHYLFHVDVGuidelines”DSSURSULDWHfound earlier￿ in this section.

To install a SCSI hard-disk drive, complete steps 3 through 9 of “Installing an EIDE Hard-Disk Drive in the Internal Hard-Disk Drive Cage” found earlier in this chapter. Then continue with step 4 of this procedure.

To install a SCSI tape drive, CD-ROM drive, or DAT drive, complete steps 2 through 6 of “Installing a Drive in a 5.25-Inch Drive Bay” found earlier in this chapter. Then continue with step 4 of this procedure.

To install an external SCSI device, continue with step 4 of this procedure.

Installing Drives 10-19

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Dell 610 manual Hwhuplqh