To quickly'HWHUPLQHget startedZKHWKHUusing\RXQHHGthisSUHSDUDWRU\utility, followUXQtheseWKH,&8steps:
3HUIRUPDQ\See “When to UHTXLUHGRun the ICU” found laterVWHSVin thisEHIRUHchapterVWDUWLQJfor detailedWKHinstructionsXWLOLW\.
Preparatory steps include making a program diskette, copying your mouse driver to this diskette, and making a backup copy of this diskette. See “Preparing to Use
6WDUWthe ICU”WKHfoundV\VWHPlaterXVLQJin this\RXUchapter,&8forGLVNHWWHdetailedinstructions.
Verify that Boot Sequence in the System Setup program is set to Diskette First. Then insert the backup copy of the ICU diskette into drive A, and turn on your computer or press the reset button.
NOTE: The ICU takes a few minutes to load. During this time, the cursor may appear as a pointer rather than as an hourglass.
When the utility has finished loading, the ICU window (see Figure
Depending on what you need to accomplish with the ICU, you may need to per- form one or more of these tasks:
‡If you are adding a
‡If you are modifying a card that is already installed, see “Modifying a Card” found later in this chapter for detailed instructions.
‡If you are removing a card, see “Removing a Card” found later in this chapter for detailed instructions.
‡If you want to examine the resources already assigned in the system, see
6DYH“Viewing\RXUFRQILJXUDWLRQResources” foundDQGlaterH[LWWKHXWLOLW\in this chapterfor detailed instructions.
See “Saving the System Configuration” and “Exiting the ICU” found later in this chapter for detailed instructions.
Before your system was shipped from Dell, a technician used the ICU to enter the correct information for the expansion cards initially installed in your computer.