Dell GU051 manual Troubleshooting, Dell Technical Update Service, Dell Diagnostics

Models: GU051

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Dell Technical Update Service

The Dell Technical Update service provides proactive e-mail notification of software and hardware updates for your computer. The service is free and can be customized for content, format, and how frequently you receive notifications.

To enroll for the Dell Technical Update service, go to

Dell Diagnostics

CAUTION: Before you begin any of the procedures in this section, follow the safety instructions in the Product Information Guide.

When to Use the Dell Diagnostics

If you experience a problem with your computer, perform the checks in "Lockups and Software Problems" on page 116 and run the Dell Diagnostics before you contact Dell for technical assistance.

It is recommended that you print these procedures before you begin.

NOTE: The Dell Diagnostics only operate on Dell computers.

Enter system setup, review your computer’s configuration information, and ensure that the device you want to test displays in system setup and is active (see "Using the System Setup Program" on page 185).

Start the Dell Diagnostics from your hard drive or from your Drivers and Utilities media (see "Drivers and Utilities Media" on page 13).

Starting the Dell Diagnostics From Your Hard Drive

The Dell Diagnostics is located on a hidden diagnostic utility partition on your hard drive.

NOTE: If your computer cannot display a screen image, contact Dell (see "Contacting Dell" on page 175).



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Dell GU051 manual Troubleshooting, Dell Technical Update Service, Dell Diagnostics