The map is zoomed to 15 miles. The Over Zoomed notice in the top left
corner means you have reached the map’s detail limits for the area.
Zooming in any closer will reveal no more map detail because a custom
map has not been loaded on the MMC.
If you're using only the factory-loaded background map, the maximum
zoom range is 20 miles. You can continue to zoom in closer, but the map
will only be enlarged without revealing more map content (except for a
few major city streets.) Load your own high-detail custom map made
with MapCreate and you can zoom in to 0.05 miles.
Map Pages with high-detail MapCreate map. Arterial streets appear at
the 6-mile zoom range (left), with a few Point of Interest icons visible.
Numerous Points of Interest dots become visible at the 3-mile range
(center), along with minor streets. At the 0.6-mile zoom range (right),
you can see an interstate highway with an exit, major and minor streets
as well as Point of Interest icons.
Background map vs. MapCreate map content
The background map includes: low-detail maps of the whole world,
containing cities, major lakes, major rivers, political boundaries, and
medium-detail maps of the United States.
The medium-detail U.S. maps contain all incorporated cities, shaded
metropolitan areas, county boundaries, shaded public lands (such as
national forests and parks), some major city streets, Interstate, U.S.
and state highways and Interstate highway exits and exit services
information. They also feature large- and medium-sized lakes, streams