Liebert NXL
Contacting Liebert for Support
Battery Cabinet Precautions
Table of Contents
Important Safety Instructions
General Description
Normal Mode
Modes of Operation
Battery Mode
Bypass Mode
Maintenance Bypass
Main component locations
Mimic display
Monitor/mimic display example Utility fail
Monitor/mimic display example Normal power flow
Monitor/mimic display example Load on bypass, UPS On
Menu tree
Touchscreen Navigation Main Display Screen
Rating Parameters
Configurations Menu Rating
System Settings parameters
User Settings
Adjustable setpoints parameters
Adjustable Setpoints
Cell Count Adjustment
Status Reports Menu
Event Management
Startup Menu
Shutdown menu
Shutdown Menu
Transfer Menu
Transfer/retransfer commands
Time remaining display
Battery Management Menu
Display summary see Figure
Load on bypass, UPS available
OK to Transfer
Input power fail, load on battery
Input Power Failure-Load on Battery
Emergency Module Off
Off Battery
Remote Emergency Power Off
Manual Procedures
Startup Procedure
Startup commands
Transfer Procedure
Load Transfer Procedures
Re-Transfer Procedure
Maintenance Bypass Load Transfers
Maintenance Bypass Load Transfers-If Load is on UPS Bypass
UPS Shutdown Procedure
Shutdown Procedures
System Shutdown Procedure
Automatic Operations
Current-versus-time curves of overload capacity
Automatic Transfers to Bypass Overload Condition
Automatic Retransfers to UPS
Automatic Transfers to Bypass, UPS System Faults
Safety Precautions
Routine Maintenance
Liebert Services
Air Filters
Record Log
UPS component service life
Battery Maintenance
Limited Life Components
Component Expected Life Replace
Battery Safety Precautions
Battery voltage, nominal and float
Matching Battery Cabinets-Optional
Battery retorque values
Detecting Trouble
Torque specifications, unless otherwise labeled
Rack-Mounted Batteries
Torque Requirements
Upstream Feeder Circuit Breaker Setting Inspections
Reporting a Problem
Corrective Actions
Environmental specifications
Battery Operation
Parameter Specification
Environmental Conditions
Battery & DC Parameters
Electrical specifications
Liebert NXL Model Size 250
Input Parameters
System Parameter
Liebert NXL Model Size
Physical Parameters & Standards, in mm
Event Message Event Definition Recommended Action
Liebert NXL alarm and status messages
Observe the One-Line Display. If the input line is
Observe the One-Line Display. To identify which
Do not Attempt to Close CB3 Until
Displayed on the Module Output Meter. If
UPS controls monitor the DC Bus positive
Resolve the issue that precipitated the EPO
Check the One-Line Display for system status
UPS, to transfer back to Inverter
If this alarm occurs on an operational unit, it
Attempt to manually close the disconnect by
Module Output Meter. If the load is less than
Output Power Factor. If the displayed power factor
Until a service visit has been made and action taken
When manual transfers are enabled
Under normal conditions, no user action is required
Observe the One-Line Display and the Active Event
If the command to terminate Regeneration Mode
If the alarm cannot be reset, or if the alarm condition
UPS Alarm and Status Messages
UPS Alarm and Status Messages
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