To access the “Calibrate” menu, press the CAL key on the Infrared Remote Control. If security has been enabled, the secondary process display will be replaced with a prompt asking for the “Id”. Using the IRC editing keys, enter the “Id”. If the correct “Id” is entered, the CALibrAtE
If the CALibrAtE
6.2.1 Calibrate
1.With the sensor in a standard solution of known conductivity value, allow the temperature of the sensor to stabilize (10 min).
2.To access the CALIbrAtE menu, press the CAL button on the IRC.
Model 5081-T-HT
Model 5081-T-FF
3. Press ENTER to access the CAL segment with flashing prompt.
4.Use the IRC editing keys to indicate the conductivity values of the standard solution on the screen.
5.Press ENTER then EXIT to enter the standard solution value and return to the main screen.
6.2.2 Sensor 0
From the main screen, press CAL, then press NEXT to enter the SEnSOr 0 menu. Press ENTER to access the SEnSOr 0
6.2.3 Temp Adj
1.Press NEXT and then ENTER to access the tEMP
2.Press ENTER to standardize the temperature reading and return to the tEMP AdJ screen.
6.2.4 Cell Constant
1.When the CALibrAtE
2.Using the arrow keys on the IRC, enter your sensor’s cell constant as indicated on the sensor’s tag or specification sheet.
3.Press ENTER to save the cell constant into the transmitter memory and return to the CELL COnSt