Emerson Process Management GmbH & Co. OHG7-52
Instruction Manual
7.7 Save / Restore Conguration Data Sets
7.7 Save / Restore Conguration Data Sets
After some time of operating the instrument,
one can assume all the parameters (calibration
gases setup, measuring ranges, inputs and
outputs, etc) are setup to meet the application´s
and operator´s needs. To save these settings
for means of restoring them in case of failures,
data loss or even overwriting, use the options
of the SETUP - SAVE-LOAD menus.
X-STREAM analyzers support saving analy-
zer data by providing different options:
Local backup
Use this option to save the current data in
a special analyzer memory section.
Factory defaults..
This is the data, stored in a special me-
mory section after the instrument has
been congured in the factory. The user
cannot change, but only restore this
USB backup
This option enables to save or restore an
analyzer conguration to/from an external
USB device. This way e.g. administra-
tors can save analyzer congurations
separately from the analyzer at a safe
location. Note!
During backup or restore processes, a pro-
gress indicator menu is shown: "Busy" turns
from 0 to 1. "Progress (0..1000)" shows 1000
when copying data has nished.
Copying data
Busy 0
Progress (0..1000) 1000