Emerson Process Management GmbH & Co. OHG 1-17
Instruction Manual
1.6 X-STREAM XEGP: 19 Inch Table-Top or Rackmount Design
This model can be fitted with up to four
measurement channels in any combination.
The physical components can optionally be
encased in a cover. This area can be held at
a specic temperature of up to 60 °C to mi-
nimize interference from changes in external
Units congured for rack mounting can be
converted for tabletop use by removing the
lateral mounting brackets and attaching the
four feet supplied as accessories.
Connection to power supply
Main power is supplied via the IEC chassis
plug mounted on the rear panel, with inte-
grated power switch and fuse holders. The
internal wide range power supply unit enables
the analyzers to be used worldwide.
Electrical connections for interface signals are
provided via submin-D connectors mounted
on the rear panel of the device (g 1-6).
For applications where screw-type terminals
are preferred, optional adapters are available,
which are mounted directly onto the submin-D
Interface signals
Detailed technical details on the various in-
terfaces can be found at 1-10. The con-
guration of the connectors and the optional
screw-type terminal adapters are described in
chapter 4 'Installation' and the software
settings in chapter 6 'Software'.
Up to two digital I/O cards may be installed,
where the first digital I/O card is marked
"X4.1" while the second is "X4.2" on the rear
panel, right above the connector (g. 1-6,
rear view).
Gas connections
Depending on the conguration of the unit
(number of measurement channels and serial
or parallel connection), sample and calibra-
tion gases are fed into the unit via up to 8
threaded connectors mounted on the rear
panel. The conguration of the connectors is
indicated on an adhesive label located near
the connectors.
A further optional tube tting enables the
housing to be purged
to minimize interference
from the ambient atmosphere,
when measu-
ring corrosive and/or ammable gases.
For further information, see 1-5.
1Technical Description